06plastik news updated frequently. stay tuned. Design office set up by Nil Aynali,C Alper Derinbogaz, Eros Laini, Ozgur Ozcelik,Fabio de Pedro,Frederik de Smedt. in Milan, in Istanbul.


Zauna is up now! with the spectacular efforts of EASA008 team, Participants and Plastik People! Currently the structure is waiting to be moved to its own place in Letterfack, Ireland.

Zauna is designed relying on a basic heat convection principal. The volume narrows as it gets closer to the ends in order to prevent excessive heat loss. The first lower section has a mild temperature heated by radiation. The second part,the middle one, is warmer as it gets closer to the stove. The third part has the highest temperature and steam level as it is the narrowest and the highest part of the Zauna. The warm air and steam moves up and accumulates at the the third part. So called heaven, gives you a happy ending with a pleasant view of the nature.

Ingredients: A medieval stove, cedar wood, OSB, PVC heat curtains, thermo pane…

Zauna is currently hidden from the public till the opening. Altough it is inside the workshop and waiting to be moved to its actual site we heard that the EASA team, even the participants have been sneaking in and throwing WWI (warm-wet-intimate) parties…
